Goldwing too small? Need something for that weekend blast and want to take the wife, the kids, the dogs and the golf clubs? In a bit of a hurry?
Well have we got some news for you.
Honda’s newest piece of technical wizardry is the cleverly-named Hondajet, a jet built by Honda in America and boasting a cruising speed of 420KTAS (that’s knots true airspeed, in case you were wondering, and it means about 770 kmh or 480 mph to we stuck-on-the-ground folk).
We suspect it would be pretty good fun. If we had $4.5 million idle in the bank we might even buy one.
If you really do have a spare $4.5 million lying around, you can take a closer look here.
But don’t forget who put you onto this. Donations of gratitude always accepted.
Of course, you’ll need to convince your wife that you need a $4.5m toy. Easy. Just read ‘Honey, I Bought The Porsche’. Check it out at http://www.honeyiboughttheporsche.com
How about a Goldwing versus Hondajet shootout? I’d be interested to see which one has the smaller turning circle.